%不是中文的,中文不显示 \documentclass{article} %\documentclass{ctexart} %中文文档(不完善)(这两个任选一个用) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \usepackage{amsmath} %宏包声明(编辑数学公式的宏包) \usepackage{amssymb} %宏包声明(编辑数学公式的宏包) \usepackage{amsthm} %宏包声明(编辑数学定理和证明过程的宏包) \usepackage{graphicx} %宏包声明(插入图片的宏包) \usepackage{multirow} %宏包声明(复杂表格的宏包) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %标题在这里设置 \title{Maybe it is my Fist Paper} \author{Cui Xin} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} %文档开始 \maketitle %显示标题 \tableofcontents %自动建立目录 \section{Section 1} Text in Section 1. %正文开始 \subsection{Subsection 1.1} Subsection 1.1. %结构测试 \subsubsection{Subsubsection 1.1.1} %空格不敏感 \paragraph{paragraph 1}Text in paragraph 1 %段落内容从第一个字符开始,空格、换行不敏感 \paragraph{paragraph 2} %与上面一行比较 Text in paragraph 2 \subparagraph{subparagraph 1.1} Text in subparagraph 1.1 \subparagraph{subparagraph 1.1}Text in subparagraph 1.2 %与上面一行比较 \subsection{Subsection 1.2} %长段落测试 Beijing is the capital of China.New York is the capital of America.Amsterdam is the capital\ of Netherlands. Amsterdam is the capital of Netherlands. \subsection{Subsection 1.3} %换行测试 Beijing is %换行(换一行)不影响内容 the capital of China. New York is %换两行及以上,输出内容会换行(有缩进的换行) the capital %注释不能插在换行上,插在换行上相当于没换行 of America. Amsterdam is \\ the capital \\ %“\\”符号可以手动换行(对齐到文档最左边的换行) of Netherlands. Amsterdam is \ %单行放不下文字时,“\”可以让文档连续 the capital \\of Netherlands. \subsection{Subsection 1.4} %数学公式测试 The Newton's second law is F=ma. \\The Newton's second law is $F=ma$. %$***$.括起的部分变为斜体 \\Greek Letters $\eta$ and $\mu$ %“$\eta$”“$\partial$”“$\mu$” 转义字符,$必须加 \\Fraction $\frac{a}{b}$ %“$\frac{a}{b}$”分数表示,$必须加 \\Power $a^b$ %“$a^b$”上标表示,$必须加 \\Subscript $a_b$ %“$a_b$”下标表示,$必须加 \\Derivate $\frac{\partial y}{\partial t} $ %“$”套“$”出现,里面的省略 \\Vector $\vec{n}$ %“$\vec{n}$”右箭头上标 \\Bold $\mathbf{n}$ %“$\mathbf{n}$”加粗内容 \\To time differential $\dot{F}$ %“$\dot{F}$”上标点 Matrix (lcr here means left, center or right for each column) %矩阵测试 \[ \left[ \begin{array}{lccr} %lc,lcr数量只能比列数多不能少,它指明了对齐方式 a1 & b22 & c333 & d4444 \\ e55555 & f666666 & g7777777 & h88888888 \end{array} \right] \] Equations ONE(here \& is the symbol for aligning different rows) %方程式测试1 \begin{align} a+b&=c\\ %“&”符号用来让等号对齐 d&=e+f+g \end{align} Equations TWO %方程式测试1 \[ \left\{ \begin{aligned} &a+b=c\\ &d=e+f+g \end{aligned} \right. \] \subsection{Subsection 1.6} %表格测试 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} a & b \\ c & d\\ \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline a & b \\ \hline c & d\\ \hline \end{tabular} \begin{center} %表格外面套一个center使它居中 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline a & b \\ \hline c & d\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{document}